
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"A Trump Policy ‘Clarification’ All But Ends Punishment for Bird Deaths"

"As the state of Virginia prepared for a major bridge and tunnel expansion in the tidewaters of the Chesapeake Bay last year, engineers understood that the nesting grounds of 25,000 gulls, black skimmers, royal terns and other seabirds were about to be plowed under."

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2019

"As Coral Reefs Suffer Around World, Those In French Polynesia Thrive

"In a world where warming seas, pollution, and predation are killing coral around the world, an extensive survey of French Polynesia has found a ray of hope. On some atolls there, live coral covers 70% of the reef’s surface; on others, big fish such as grouper and barracuda that have almost disappeared elsewhere are thriving."

Source: Science, 12/18/2019


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