
Beach Closures Offer Key to Bigger Water Pollution Stories

People all too often swim in waters whose pollution risks are far scarier — and far more real — than shark attacks. Yet little attention is paid to the environmental stories behind the beach closures such pollution can necessitate. TipSheet helps you dip your toe, with the backstory on the most common cause for these health risks, plus reporting resources.

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"Infrastructure Vote Fails As Senators Try To Salvage Bipartisan Deal"

"Senate Republicans blocked moving forward on a bipartisan infrastructure bill that’s still being negotiated on Wednesday. Surprisingly, members of the group insist they're unbothered."

Source: Politico, 07/22/2021

Schumer Tees Up Bipartisan Infrastructure Vote After GOPers Urge Delay

"U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday he would set a procedural vote on a bipartisan infrastructure package that is a key part of Democratic President Joe Biden's agenda for Wednesday, increasing pressure on negotiators as they struggled with ways to pay for the cost of the measure."

Source: Reuters, 07/20/2021

"What The Budget Deal Means For Climate Policy"

"Many Democrats were in high spirits yesterday after agreeing to a $3.5 trillion budget resolution that will lay the groundwork for an array of climate priorities, but their celebrations will be short-lived as they begin jockeying over policy specifics and the complex rules that govern the reconciliation process."

Source: E&E News, 07/16/2021


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