Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

Natural Gas Hazards Drawing Federal Attention

After hearing for years about public concern over the adverse health and environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing used to increase production of natural gas, US EPA has begun a process (including 4 public meetings in July; CO, NY, PA, TX) to decide what the issues are and how to address them.

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TOOLBOX: Denver Post Finds Thousands of Drilling Spills in Colorado

A big fraction of the leaks and spills involved not merely oil, but produced water containing hydraulic fracturing fluid. You'll find lots of useful data on the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission website.

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Grasshopper Infestations on the Rise Again

As drought blankets much of the western U.S. and Canada, so do grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and other associated bugs. The cyclical insect infestations, which are occurring in pockets in every state west of the Mississippi and in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, range from light to very severe.

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SEJ's 20th Annual Conference Coverage

Oct. 13-17, 2010 in Missoula, Montana. Find multimedia coverage on SEJ's coverage web page and on the unofficial conference blog. See the agenda, read speaker bios, and more. If you attended the conference, please click here to take our online survey. Pictured at left: Jodi Rave, Freelance Journalist, Buffalo's Fire, and moderator of the Saturday panel THE CLIMATE: Energy Issues on Tribal Lands.

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15 States Get More Federal Recreational Trails

The National Trails system, already stretching more than 12,500 miles, expands with the addition of 31 more trails totalling 716 miles.

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BLM Tweaks Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Policies

The changes affect only new drilling areas and may include greater consideration of environmental impacts, more public review, fewer "categorical exclusions" from environmental review, and more.

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