Environmental Politics

Federal Oil and Gas Leases in Question as Lawmakers Eye Collusion Allegations

"A dozen Democratic lawmakers on the House Natural Resources Committee want to know if shale drillers could see their oil and gas leases and operations on federal lands suspended amid allegations that the companies may have colluded to drive oil prices up."

Source: DeSmog, 07/16/2024

"Nations Gather To Negotiate Deep Sea Mining Code As Opposition Mounts"

"The United Nations' International Seabed Authority (ISA) will meet on Monday to consider new rules allowing firms to extract minerals from the ocean floor, despite mounting concerns about the economic and environmental risks."

Source: Reuters, 07/16/2024

"What Project 2025 Would Mean For The Fight Against Climate Change"

"Project 2025, a controversial conservative roadmap that aims to guide the next Republican administration, calls for the elimination of multiple energy- and environment-related offices and rules — moves that would restrict the government’s ability to combat climate change and pollution."

Source: The Hill, 07/15/2024

"The GOP Has Found A New Reason To Pawn Off America’s Public Lands"

"The new Republican Party platform, adopted this week in advance of the next week’s nominating convention in Milwaukee, mentions federal lands only once — and rather than a vague call to protect them, it proposes pawning some of them off to address housing affordability."

Source: HuffPost, 07/12/2024

"Trump Return Could See Climate Progress ‘Unraveled,’ Sally Jewell Says"

"Sally Jewell, who served as US Interior secretary from 2013 to 2017, said the climate stakes of the election in November “could not be higher” and that she’s “really afraid for the future of our planet” should former President Donald Trump return to the White House."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/12/2024


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