Fish & Fisheries

Gathering Offers Sobering Look Ahead at 2024, But With Glimmers of Hope

Top environmental journalists and others at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual “Journalists’ Guide to Environment and Energy” program foresee some challenging realities to cover in 2024, most notably with the ongoing impacts of climate change. Bright signs emerged as well. Read our take, watch the event video and visit our full “2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment + Energy” special report.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Only 51 Of These U.S. Whales Remain. Little Prevents Their Extinction

"Even before they saw one of the rarest mammals in the Gulf of Mexico, the two amateur fishermen were already feeling lucky. They had motored to their favorite spot 35 miles off the coast of Pensacola, Fla., downed a couple Miller Lites, and caught their third mahi mahi when they heard the sound of air escaping a blowhole."

Source: NPR, 11/17/2023

Harvest Of Horseshoe Crabs, For Medicine And Bait, Limited To Protect Bird

"Interstate fishing regulators are limiting the harvest of a primordial species of invertebrate to try to help rebuild its population and aid a threatened species of bird."

Source: AP, 11/14/2023

Seabed Mining May Dredge Up Real Minerals, Fishy Worries in 2024

The mining of the ocean floor has stirred up significant debate, much of which clouds the realities of whether and to what degree it would cause ecological harm to one of the world’s greatest resources. This week’s TipSheet looks more closely at the controversy, which may well come to a head in the coming year. The latest entry in SEJournal’s 2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment and Energy.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"UK Regulator Trying To Block Release Of Shell North Sea Documents"

"The UK’s oil and gas regulator is coming under fire from environmental groups for using lawyers to try to prevent the publication of five key documents relating to the environmental impact of Shell’s activities in the North Sea."

Source: Guardian, 10/27/2023

"Alaska Native Leaders Call For Legal Overhaul To Protect Subsistence

"The crash of salmon stocks in Western Alaska’s Kuskokwim River has sparked a bitter court fight between the federal and state governments, and now Alaska Native leaders are calling for congressional action to ensure that Indigenous Alaskans have priority for harvests when stocks are scarce."

Source: Alaska Beacon, 10/23/2023


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