Natural Resources

Court Backs Oil Firms, Not Levee Authority In Wetlands Damage Suit

"A federal appeals court refused Friday (March 3) to revive the east bank levee authority's controversial lawsuit charging oil and gas companies with threatening hurricane levees by digging exploration and production canals through Louisiana's coastal wetlands. It was the latest setback to the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East's four-year effort to make the companies pay for environmental damage inflicted decades ago."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 03/06/2017

White House Proposes Steep Budget Cut To Leading Climate Science Agency

"The Trump administ"ration is seeking to slash the budget of one of the government’s premier climate science agencies by 17 percent, delivering steep cuts to research funding and satellite programs, according to a four-page budget memo obtained by The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 03/06/2017

As Fight Flares Over Public Lands, Summoning Power of Past Bond

Bobby Magill, in his most recent SEJ President's Report, recalls his time traversing federal wilderness areas that are now increasingly the subject of dispute. How are they to be used? Who is to hold them? Will these vast Western lands remain in the public domain? And what is the role of journalists in covering this story?

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Oroville Crisis Points to Dam Stories in Many States

California's Oroville Dam has been in the news this month, as it threatened to fail, flooding nearby communities. But worsening dam safety is a national story with local angles throughout the United States. TipSheet runs down the risks and the resources, plus offers upcoming news hooks for dam stories in your community.

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Sundance Festival a Megaphone for Climate Concerns

For the first time, Sundance Film Festival spotlighted a single theme, and it was climate change. Documentaries highlighting the issue including a sequel to Al Gore's blockbuster, as well as more than a dozen other films dealing with issues like coral reefs, recyling, changing landscapes and rainforest destruction.

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