People & Population

"Standing Rock's Pipeline Fight Brought Hope, Then More Misery"

"Every day is a test of endurance on the [Standing Rock Sioux] reservation, which encompasses 3,600 square miles of windswept prairie in North and South Dakota. Freezing in winter, baking in summer, the reservation's residents brave the elements in clusters of trailer parks and prefabricated homes. Some 40 percent of its 8,200 people live below the poverty line. Like other Native American communities, Standing Rock suffers from high rates of unemployment, alcoholism and suicide. The health care system is a shambles, and housing is so scarce that multiple families often cram into a single dwelling."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/04/2017

"'Nightmare' Yurok Salmon Fishery Collapse"

"The number of Chinook salmon predicted to return to the Klamath River on the California-Oregon border this fall fishing season is around 11,000 fish. That is the lowest number in recorded history. Coho salmon is already listed under the Endangered Species Act in California and Oregon."

Source: Indian Country Today, 04/03/2017

Push To Undo Obama’s Monument Designations Hits An Obstacle: The Law

"Powerful Republican congressmen and governors are pressing President Donald Trump to take an unprecedented step: Reverse his predecessor’s creation of several national monuments under a law that dates back to Theodore Roosevelt. No president has ever attempted such a reversal, and legal experts doubt it could succeed."

Source: McClatchy, 03/22/2017


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