People & Population

Trillions Of Gallons Leak From Aging Drinking Water Systems In US Cities

"For generations, the water infrastructure beneath this southern Alabama city was corroding, cracking and failing — out of sight and seemingly out of mind — as the population shrank and poverty rose. Until it became impossible to ignore."

Source: AP, 03/06/2024

Appeals Court Ruling Could Allow Mine On Oak Flat, Land Sacred To Apaches

"An Apache group that has fought to protect land it considers sacred from a copper mining project in central Arizona suffered a significant blow Friday when a divided federal court panel voted 6-5 to uphold a lower court’s denial of a preliminary injunction to halt the transfer of land for the project."

Source: AP, 03/04/2024

How Ice Fishing Can Break the Ice on Your Local Climate Story

What does dragging an old car onto an ice-covered lake have to do with informing your community about the perils of climate heating? Potentially a good deal. The latest TipSheet explains how waning winters and the potential impact on the entertaining tradition of ice fishing can serve as an entry into more serious matters. A dozen story ideas and resources to get you started.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 19, 2024

DEADLINE: SJN Rural Cohort

The Solutions Journalism Network is building a cohort of U.S.-based, rural-serving newsrooms to receive six months of training and mentorship that supports the integration of solutions journalism into the newsroom workflow. Apply by Mar 29, 2024. Join an info session on Mar 7. 

March 28, 2024

ICFJ Empowering the Truth Global Summit

Each Thursday in March, International Center for Journalists hosts 2-hour virtual training sessions for participants in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Participants who attend at least three of the four sessions will be eligible to apply for grants and mentorship.


Florida Lawmakers Want To Eliminate Local Heat Protection Rules For Workers

"A measure that will ban local governments from passing heat-protection ordinances inspired strong emotions from the public Thursday, but lawmakers approved the bill backed by big business interests."

Source: Florida Phoenix, 02/27/2024

TX Railroad Commission Approves Toxic Waste Ponds Next to Baptist Camp

"Texas regulators recently authorized a company to operate ponds to store and recycle millions of gallons of oilfield wastewater laced with toxic chemicals next to a Baptist summer camp in the Permian Basin."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/27/2024


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