"The US No Longer Supports Capping Plastic Production In UN Treaty"
"The Biden administration has backtracked from supporting a cap on plastic production as part of the United Nations’ global plastics treaty."
"The Biden administration has backtracked from supporting a cap on plastic production as part of the United Nations’ global plastics treaty."
"Federal regulators have enabled US plastics plants across the country to dump dangerous chemicals into waterways by failing to update wastewater limits for over 30 years, according to a new analysis by a watchdog group."
"The tech mogul has had run-ins with the agency over permits and regulatory violations, and his businesses stand to benefit from slashing rules."
Fluoridated drinking water has helped limit tooth decay in the United States for decades. But that could come to an end in the Trump administration, if fluoride nonfan Robert F. Kennedy Jr., slated to head Health and Human Services, has his way. In the first installment of SEJournal’s new weekly EJ TransitionWatch column, we examine the challenge to this public health success story. Plus, questions to ask and resources for your reporting.
"Food and cosmetics from dozens of major retailers come wrapped in potentially dangerous plastics, a new report has found."
"At its annual conference on climate change this week, the United Nations released a major report saying the world has little hope of reaching global climate targets without quickly lowering emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that’s nearly 300 times more powerful at warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide."
"The US air force has backpedaled on a claim that the supreme court’s recent reversal of the Chevron doctrine shields it against regulators’ orders to clean drinking water the military polluted in Tucson, Arizona."
"Climate-driven extreme weather conditions, such as droughts and intense precipitation, may be accelerating the pace at which toxic nitrates are polluting groundwater, a recent study has found."
"PFAS may be contaminating drinking water for up to 70% of about 140 million people in the US who draw water from the nation’s aquifers via private or public wells, a new federal government study estimates. The findings show a potential impact on about 95m people, or 27% of the nation’s population."
"In total 1,261 business and industry delegates registered for Cop16 in Cali, Colombia, which ended in disarray and without significant progress on a number of key issues including nature funding, monitoring biodiversity loss and work on reducing environmentally harmful business subsidies."