Laws & Regulations

Where Does All That Recycling Go?

Where do all those recyclables actually go? This week’s TipSheet dives into the trash to find a story worth telling — of troubling overseas dumping, problematic local incineration and a fraying patchwork of U.S. regulation. Plus, several dozen questions you might want to ask, a pair of pro tips and a dozen resources to track the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Politics: A Look Into Big Oil's Fight Against Electric Cars"

"Last November, oil industry representatives huddled with conservative state lawmakers at a hotel a few blocks from the White House. The gathering was a covert affair. Reporters were barred from the room. Attendees cast votes in secret."

Source: ClimateWire, 03/05/2019

Watchdog Says Political Appointees Delayed EPA Toxic Chemical Assessments

"A top government watchdog reported that political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency delayed reviews of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde for months last year during a review to see if the agency’s work met the leadership’s priorities."

Source: ABC News, 03/05/2019

"Pressed by Climate Activists, Senate Democrats Plan to ‘Go on Offense’"

"Facing a showdown vote as early as this month over the embattled “Green New Deal,” Senate Democrats are preparing a counteroffensive to make combating climate change a central issue of their 2020 campaigns — a striking shift on an issue they have shied away from for the past decade."

Source: NY Times, 03/05/2019

US Trying To End The Longest Oil Spill In History. Company Fights Back

"As the longest offshore oil spill in U.S. history creeps toward its 15th year, the federal government is preparing to launch a determined effort to contain the oil and cap the leaking wells."

Source: Washington Post, 03/04/2019

"National Parks: Court Decision Could Doom Already Built Va. Power Line"

"A federal appeals court today [Friday] rejected the Army Corps of Engineers' approval of a 17-mile transmission line across the James River, determining the corps did not properly analyze the full impacts of the power line that critics say degrades the site of the first permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Va."

Source: Greenwire, 03/04/2019

Will Appeals Court Make EPA Ban Pesticide With Serious Health Risks?

"Eric Perez and his wife, Mari, live with their five children in the Wenatchee Valley in central Washington state. Their house is just feet from an orchard. A couple of years ago, the kids were having an Easter egg hunt in the yard when they smelled something 'plasticky,' Perez remembers — like 'rotten eggs.'"

Source: NPR, 03/01/2019


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