People & Population

EPA Pilot-Tests New Data Mapping Tool on Community Exposures

The Community-Focused Exposure and Risk Screening Tool (C-FERST), available currently to some agencies, communities, and researchers, could be helpful in tracking environmental justice stories: the impact of specific pollutant exposures on particular geographic and demographic communities.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Within Mainstream Environmentalist Groups, Diversity Is Lacking"

"The level of diversity, both in leadership and staff, of groups such as the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Sierra Club and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation [, many say,] is more like that of the Republican Party they so often criticize for its positions on the environment than that of the multiethnic Democratic Party they have thrown their support behind."

Source: Wash Post, 03/25/2013

"Land Grab Cheats North Dakota Tribes Out of $1 Billion, Suits Allege"

"Native Americans on an oil-rich North Dakota reservation have been cheated out of more than $1 billion by schemes to buy drilling rights for lowball prices, a flurry of recent lawsuits assert. And, the suits claim, the federal government facilitated the alleged swindle by failing in its legal obligation to ensure the tribes got a fair deal."

Source: ProPublica, 02/25/2013


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