Workshops and Fellowships

July 17, 2014

Free SEJ Webinar on Fracking

Led by SEJ member Bobby Magill, this Webinar at 2:00 p.m. this Thursday completes the SEJ Specialized Reporting Institute: Covering Shale Gas and Oil Development, held in Pittsburgh in June 2014. Find out why "fracking" has become big news in recent years, become more comfortable with fracking terms and facts, get story ideas, and learn where to find new sources. Free registration required.

June 2, 2014 to June 30, 2014

Climate Science Connections: Water in the West

This free interactive and self-paced course is built around panel discussions with hydrologists, policy makers, engineers, and science educators. In the course we explore challenges for water management in the Western US both at a large scale — using the Colorado River Basin Watershed as an example — and at small scale – using the Boulder Creek watershed as an example where flooding occurred on the heels of drought and wildfire damage.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 3, 2014

DEADLINE: Scholarships to Attend and Cover EcoHealth 2014 Conference

Win one of eight scholarships to attend the 2014 EcoHealth Conference, Aug 11-15, 2014, in Montreal. Cover the panel sessions; meet and interview the researchers. Open to journalists worldwide who specialize in coverage of health and the environment. Apply by June 3rd.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 19, 2020

DEADLINE: East-West Center's Senior Journalists Seminar

The East-West Center in Honolulu is accepting applications until Mar 19 for the SJS, Aug 19-Sep 11, 2020, to Washington, DC; Charlotte, North Carolina; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participating journalists will include 10-14 journalists from the U.S. and countries with substantial Muslim populations.

July 14, 2014 to July 25, 2014

Environmental Writing and Writers

This University of Iowa accredited, two-week course on environmental writing debuts this summer at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, one of the world's foremost freshwater ecology field stations. The course will cover three classics of the genre and students will write about a subject of their choosing while in residence at Lakeside.

April 21, 2014

DEADLINE: IRP New Media Trip on Newborn Health in Ethiopia

The International Reporting Project (IRP) is accepting applications for a June 14-27, 2014 new media reporting trip to Ethiopia where there are a number of important environmental impacts on child health, such as food security and clean water. The IRP covers Fellows’ roundtrip air tickets to Ethiopia, visas, hotel costs, meals and local transportation. Apply by April 21st.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 2, 2014

DEADLINE: IJNR Shale Country Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources' Shale Country Institute will take place in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York from June 24-28, 2014. Shale Country will be all about fracking. We’ll talk economics, ecology, and environmental toxicology. We’ll hear about human health, water and air quality, and citizen science. And we’ll meet with scientists, industry representatives, concerned citizens, and many others in the forests, fields and neighborhoods where these important stories are taking place. Apply by May 2nd.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 15, 2014

DEADLINE: McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Shale Gas and Oil Development

SEJ invites U.S. journalists and educators to apply for fellowships to attend this expenses-paid Specialized Reporting Institute, June 22-24, 2014 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Come learn about an issue that regularly grabs national, regional and local headlines. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2014.

April 14, 2023

DEADLINE: High Country News Internships

Apply by Apr 14 to be considered for HCN's Summer/Fall 2023 (Jul-Dec) internship. $1,210 biweekly stipend, plus $46.15 work-from-home allowance and more. Emerging journalists from BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities are encouraged to apply.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 23, 2018

DEADLINE: National Health Journalism Fellowship

The Fellowship will bring 20 journalists from around the country to Los Angeles in July 2018 for five days of training on community health issues and the impact on health of adverse experiences in childhood. Each Fellow will return home to spend the next six months working on a substantive health or child welfare-focused journalism project, assisted with a reporting grant of $2,000-$10,000 and six months of mentoring. Apply by Mar 23.



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