Great Plains (IA KS ND NE MO SD)

“Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy”

The new book, “Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy,” takes what our reviewer calls an illuminating look into the politics and economics of energy development. The volume examines the decade-long effort to build long-distance transmission lines for wind-generated electricity. More in our latest BookShelf review.

SEJ Publication Types: 
July 16, 2019

DEADLINE: Journalism Fellowships for Innovations in Food and Agriculture

From tariffs to technology, U.S.-based journalists will learn the latest developments in food and ag at this expenses-paid National Press Foundation training program, Sept. 15-18, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. Deadline is Jul 16.

Topics on the Beat: 

Big Environmental Impacts on Small Communities Is Story That Must Be Told

While environmental journalists often focus on regulatory wrestling matches in Washington, D.C., a seasoned New York Times investigative reporter argues the most important stories are those in the real communities where bureaucratic impacts are felt. Three-time Pulitzer winner Eric Lipton makes the case for public service in journalism that tells the environment story from the outside in.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Closure of Civilian Conservation Centers Ignites Controversy

A decades-old environmental jobs program that provided work for thousands of disadvantaged young people across more than a dozen states has been hit with one of the largest federal downsizings in a decade. Find out how the closing of some Civilian Conservation Centers may be a story near you, from the latest TipSheet.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ in Press Freedom Case, Chem Secrecy Bill Fails and More

SEJ joined with several dozen other journalism groups to support the right to film police activity in a public place, and bills to block information of importance to environmental reporters failed in Louisiana, California and Iowa, but a Colorado paper was blocked from covering a wild horse roundup. All that in this month’s WatchDog Tipsheet.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Is Your Favorite River Endangered? Check the List.

The latest release of the annual endangered rivers list provides boatloads of environmental reporting angles, including climate change-related threats like flooding and drought. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory and the new top-10 list, plus 10 suggested starting points for stories and a half-dozen key reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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